Hi! My name is Osaze Osayande and I am a Psychological and Brain Sciences major minoring in Poverty, Inequality, and Social Justice! As EVPLA I am committed to furthering inclusivity efforts at UCSB, and am dedicated to ensuring every student feels represented and heard with me as their elected official. With my prior experience in this office I hope to concentrate my efforts towards re-imagining a more inclusive understanding of community safety with an emphasis on non-punitive approaches, establishing increased EVPLA transparency and resource accessibility and advocating on behalf students/IV residents as a whole. My main mission as EVPLA is to work towards bettering our community and producing substantial change during my tenure!!
- INSTITUTE an annual public safety risk assessment report and emergency plan
- PARTNER with the UCSB ADP to provide Rohypnol and other substance testing kits
- EXPAND the opportunities available to students for them to speak with UCSB administration, local government and law enforcement to ensure students have a platform to voice their concerns/needs
- COLLABORATE with other AS entities to work towards food security for undocumented students
- IMPROVE habitability conditions for housing in IV specifically working to alleviate mold, infestations, and other home hazards
- PROTECT tenant’s rights by continuing to document rent increases and putting pressure on leasing companies and the university
- PRIORITIZE increasing the hours of essential services such as revitalizing the Pardall Center and other AS resources
- INCREASE the amount of public and accessible study spaces with wifi in IV
- CONTINUE to expand the Restorative Justice Program that the current EVPLA office has strengthened
- INCREASE the amount of free concerts in IV to support local artists